My Bad.... Pearl Harbor photo's not newly discovered...

Well Sir...When I first posted those Pearl Harbor photos, I had been led to believe that they was "newly discovered" takin the wurd of the good boy (an old Jarhead BTW) who sent em to me...I put em up in two posts. Comin frum an old Marine, I shoulda known better I guess...
Now sir...on this day I was notified by good old Jack Sandy who, as is his practice, checked out the photo's...and guess what...they been published afore, and much earlier. Y'all just might recall Jack, he's the good old feller who discovered that the submarine on the United States Postal Service Commemorative to the US Navy had a South Korean sub on it instead of a US "boat". I'm beginnin t'think that Jack is a "photo detective" or somthin....
WTR..ya was right folks...just enjoy the photygraphs fer what they be wurth.....
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