The Cookie man had his Crank Yanked....
It seems that someone I recently met in the blogosphere managed to pull the old Cookie inta a pretty good practical joke.....and I...not knowin this feller blogger at all...fell hook, line and "symbol"....
A few post's back I requested any info regarding some glyphs and symbols that this here "not so nice" feller blogger had written (and posted) that he had found on his property.
Well Sir...havin an avid interest in Archaeology...and after spendin a goodly many hours researchin these various symbols....and comin up empty handed...I began to suspect that I...the great and powerful Cookie of Oz... had fallen fer a embarrassin....
I confronted this nere-do-well named "Rex" regardin my suspicions and he confirmed them....
....and just be a rememberin Rex...payback's a Bitch......
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