Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Pig-Sty called "The View"...and An Attitude of Gratitude....

Well Sir....I fully realize that The Cookshack is just a small, insignificant little blog in the hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, but it is a venue fer this here Cookie to make his feelin's known to those regular readers that I have.....

Many a year back, I worked with a bunch a folks, who by nature of the job...Police wurk...tended to be mostly a negative group of men and women. Trust me....the job does that to ya.....

I would notice that I would go to work with an upbeat, positive attitude and most nights would come home in a foul and negative mood. At first I blamed it all on the scumbags and assholes I was dealing with and arresting daily......but ya know...I discovered it wasn't all that element. Much of it was my brother/sister Officers.....

At that time in my life I had a very wise and honest mentor....and one evening over coffee, he told me that I needed to maintain "an Attitude of Gratitude", and stop feeding into all the negative crap that I was around all day. He told me to find good, positive folks to be with...and I also would begin to have a more positive outlook on life....and man....was he right.....

Where am I goin with all a this here philosophy..... where the photygraff suggests....Rosie O'Donnell.

I don't recall ever seeing such a hatefull and negative TV personality in my life. The woman is just filled with anger and hate....and puts her garbage out there under the heading of "opinion" and "fact".

Since much of what she spews comes under "Freedom of Speech", and rightfully so....and since NBC is obviously very reluctant to let her go (cause they be makin money off'n her)...here's what I suggest fer anyone readin this who might watch boorish bitch on any sort of regular basis....

Get away frum all her negative influence and marginalize her and her hate filled negative diatribes.....

Surround yurself, and associate with, positive folks...and my friends...Rosie does not fit that definition......

Start watchin more positive and uplifting programs. Get out of all the negative mud and shit of the pigpen that's called "The View"....

You'll be glad you did.......Cookie....