Saturday, November 24, 2007

I've received a most prestigious award....

Well Sir....I've been given a great honor by my good amigo the Chief over at Smoldering Embers in a Mohawk Campfire...

Now Sir...fer those a you that kinda follow these things, The Chief and I are constantly bustin each others cajones unmercifully on a regular basis...cause he's and old Jarhead and I'm an old Seabee (it's sorta like a tradition between us). Marines and "Bee's" almost always wurk together, hell...the Marines are the folks that combat train us so's we can protect our sorry ass's...but...a Seabee is a Seabee(Navy)...and a Marine is a Marine...and never the twain shall meet, hence...ball bustin is hard wired inta us...

But his infinite generosity, the Chief has seen fit to bestow me with this award, given for the first time ever here at the Cookshack, partially because of the Gourmet Braised Turnip recipe I posted and his wife was good enough to try...AND...I guess it was very well received by both he and his family at Thanksgiving....

So...without further mean's the Award...

Thanks Chief....I'm very humbled and honored...but don't let it go to yur head....