Duz ANYONE at the U. S. Postal Service know WTF they are doing...???

Yesterday, I posted the below post regarding how the United States Postal Service published a Commemorative Gallery about the United States Navy...and in this publication...used...can you believe it...a freaken SOUTH KOREAN SUBMARINE!!
Now at the time of my posting...I didn't know who the astute bubblehead (Submariner fer all you land-lubbers) was that made this discovery...but I have since received communications from him and his name is John (Jack) Sandy. Great catch Jack...great catch!
Jack informed me that he notified the U.S.Postal Service regarding this immensely gross and insulting error. Here are copies of the response he received from the Postal Service....beginning with his initial communique....
Customer (JOHN SANDY) - 11/27/2006 08:50 AM
The US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower right corner in the photo montage of a submarine that is supposed to be a US Navy submarine. It is NOT. After some research I have identifed it as a South Korean (Republic of Korea) submarine. It is a Type 209/1200 that was designed in Germany. Can somebody at the USPS please tell me how this error occured and what will be done to correct it?
...and this is the response he received from some airhead that completely misunderstood his E-Mail....
Response (Pam B.) - 11/27/2006 04:09 PM
Thank you for contacting us about the US Navy Submarine stamps from 2000. I understand that there is an error on the stamp. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Almost all subjects chosen to appear on U.S. stamps and postal stationery are suggested by the public. Each year, Americans submit proposals to the Postal Service on literally thousands of different topics. Every stamp suggestion is considered, regardless of who makes it or how it is presented.
The five U.S. Navy Submarines stamp designs depict different periods in submarine technology. The U.S. Navy Submarines stamps were illustrated by Jim Griffiths of Glenview, Ill. Carl Herrman of Carlsbad, Calif., was art director.
If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing the United States Postal ServiceĀ®.
Pam B.
...er...ah...excuse me Pam...but if you take the time to read Mr. Sandy's E-mail...you might just notice that ...HE DOESN'T MENTION THE WORD STAMP!! He wrote about the "Postmark Gallery"...which a montage of branches of the United States Navy.....not the ROK Navy ( that's the Republic of Korea to you Pam).
If anyone out there readin this knows someone in the Postal Service who has a modicum of knowledge about what they are doing...PLEASE let them know about this error....
UPDATE: 28 November, 06.....Along with Jack Sandy, I also sent another E-mail as well to the USPS and I just received an E-mail from a Peggy F stating that she was forwarding my complaint to "the appropriate department". We'll see.....
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