Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Avast maties.. Thar be a plague ship on the horizon..Man yur Battle Stations..

Aye mates...her name be the Black Pearl...and she's blighted good she is...carryin all sorts of nasty liberal diatribe...

...Fer instance...her skipper, a man well noted fer sailin the Liberal Lee's and the Moonbat Sea's...said that the lives of all the military members or her Home Country that were lost in previous battles for Freedom and Democracy..." WERE WASTED... "

Aye maties...makes me sick it does...and this ship will eventually make our own beautiful , free country even sicker....

So take heed me hardies....steer clear of her...or sink her where she sails....

Send this infected, scurvy ridden scow and her skipper, Captain Obama....right t'the bottom......

...and with respect....I now call upon the Admiralty of the Pirate Armada to activate all our fine ships and prepare fer battle..... GENERAL QUARTERS....