Sunday, July 01, 2007

Serving the Giant Puffball.....

Well a my feller bloggers, Mohawk Chieftain frum Smoldering Embers in a Mohawk Campfire, recently asked me..."What's a Giant PuffBall?"...and would I please post an article about t'is mates...

Giant PuffBalls are like huge tasty edible'n ya likes mushrooms...yur sure to love these guys...that is if'n yur lucky enuff to find em...

A couple a things to remember about these beauties. First off...ya can prepare em and eat em as long as they are either pure white, or just turning pink on the inside. After they turn pink...they'll turn brown and loose just about all their great flavor...

To my knowledge...the only time ya can find em is in the fall of the year, and I'm told there no poisonous Puffballs. When you find a fully grown one, and are going to harvest it, use a knife to cut it off down by its bottom...leaving what I call "a stem". In this way the spoors stay in that area and you can usually get some more giant puffballs the following year in the same spot...

Before you prepare and cook them, cut/peel off the outside skin and discard. Then slice into various thickness of slices depending on how and what you are going to make with them. I have two simple recipe's below...

...and BTW...these mushrooms are so good, even all four of my kids loved em when the were young...and still love em today if I can find any.... its sorta like eating a Mushroom Steak Fillet Mignon....

Puffballs Parmesan

-1 tsp salt
-1 cup flour
-About 1 pound puffballs, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch slices
-1 egg, slightly beaten with
-2 tablespoons water
-1 cup Parmesan cheese
-Oil or butter for sautéing

Mix the flour and salt together. Dip the puffball slices in the flour mixture, then in the egg, and last, in the Parmesan cheese. Heat the butter or oil in a saucepan or skillet and sauté the puffballs slowly until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Serve immediately.
Serves 4

Breaded Puffballs

Dip the Puffball slices into flour, covering completely, then into slightly beaten eggs, then into Italian or plain Bread Crumbs. Fry in 1/2 inch of Peanut or Vegetable Oil until golden brown....

...OR...foller the above directions but dip them into yur favorite Beer-Batter instead of Bread Crumbs.....
