I done been tagged agin... 6 unusual things about the Cookie y'all didn't know...

I guess this here tag originated in Australia by one of the writer/contributors to The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, went to Taxes-Stupidity-and Death...and eventually got to the Cookie....
So....Here they be...6 unusual things y'all didn't know bout this here Cookie.....
1) I started takin flyin lessons in the famous J-3 Piper Cub at age 12. Now Sir...if'n yur unfamiliar with this great old aircraft, they are a two seated (tandem) plane that was/is, really simple and easy to fly. However, at age 16, while soloing fer my second or third time, I crashed just after take off, crashing into a Polish Cemetery. Luckily for me, I only received a large laceration over my left eye, but I sure did rip up a bunch a grave stones and monuments. Being a Polish cemetary, the Polish caretakers who also responded to the crash site recovered about 113 bodies and were still findin bodies four days later... ;-). Only kiddin bout the bodies...but I did crash in a cemetary....
Oh..and P.S., my flight instructor (who had been one of the famous Flying Tigers of WWII) told me as I stood there bleeding all over myself and him, "Hey kid...any landin ya walk away frum is a good landin."....
2) Now Mam...sumthin I ain't proud of, but tis true never-the-less, between the age of 13 and about age 16, I was a burglar (mostly businesses) and a car thief. This, BTW, is how I paid fer some a my flight lessons. Fortunately (by the grace of God, fast feet and slow cops), I never got caught. I wouldn't admit this ceptin fer the fact that the Statute of Limitations has long run out...
3) Because my life of crime was in the late 50's and early 60's, before drugs were really in vogue...I never did do drugs, but I could drink a sailor under the table. Hardly a day went by that I wasn't in a fight with someone, and usually won (I fought dirty). On weekends, the gang I was in would go to the local roller-skating rink (in Mattydale, NY) and get into "Gang fights" or "rumbles" with other gangs who were on our turf....I loved it.
4) I had a permanent seat reserved for me in the Principals Office of the high school I went to, North Syracuse Central High. Myself and the Principal were on a first name basis. I called him Bob and he called me "God-dammit". Our conversations would always begin with Bob sayin, "God-Dammit...you again."....
5) In spite of all my shenanigans in school and out, I managed to somehow graduate with Honors and a New York State Regents Scholarship Award. Wonder what I coulda done with my life if'n I had applied myself to my studies back then.....
6) After my tour of duty in Uncle Sam's Yacht Club (United States Navy), I became a Police Officer...and found I was very good at law enforcement...after all...it takes a thief to catch a thief. I retired as a Sergeant after 21 years....
OK, now I'm gonna tag the follerin folks fer their turn at self revelation...
A Geezers Corner
Shooting the Messenger
Blowing San #1
The Dread Pundit Bluto
Hillbilly White Trash
Myron's Random Thoughts
OK ladies...the ball's in yur court.....and fer you three old Bubbleheads...Aoooooggaa...Aoooogga
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