Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sunday Sundries....

Borrowed these first 3 pictures frum "JungleMom"....each one has its own message.


...and here be some appropriate Bumper Stickers fer me and "The Chief"...


Believe it or not, this doll is outselling the new Elmo doll...**Sigh**....


Hmmm, any number of potential humorous captions fer this one. If'n ya feel like it, leave yur caption in the "comment section", and use a little decorum mates...

_________________________________ move Sherlock...really...a cool move...


Now Sir...this new game makes a great stockin stuffer.....

________________________________ this don't look good at all...No Sir...not good at all....


Uh Oh! This is gonna hurt her chances fer 2012....
