Why the Government should NEVER manage our Health Care System..a sad testiment to the USPS

As many of you know from two previous posts, an old "bubblhead" named John "Jack" Sandy discovered that the picture of a submarine on a United States Post Office Commemorative collage was NOT a US submarine...but a SOUTH KOREAN boat...
John, being a good submariner opted to notify the Postal Authorities regarding this grossly insulting error to the United States Navy and all submariners...past and present...
Here is a full transcript of his communiques with me...and his nightmare with the Postal folks...what a sad tribute to our US Post Office....
First the good news. American Stamp Collectibles that made the US Navy Framed Art product has responded quickly and they are taking immediate corrective actions. They have also offered me a refund, which I have refused. Apparently the ROK submarine photo in the montage was approved by someone in the US Navy. They are searching their records to find out exactly what happened. I hope that individual or group gets sent to some really nasty duty station, and I don't mean Afghanistan or Iraq. Good job on ASM's part. I suspect the quick response from them is because they are probably a privately run company.
Now the bad news. I have been stonewalled by the USPS, and I need a roll of EB Green to keep my head from exploding. Although I have received responses from the USPS to my emails they have been worthless. Either they think I am referring to stamps, or I am told to go to another website about stamps, or it's not their problem, or call a number, which of course is not toll free. Plus, not one single question I have asked them has been answered. Not one. Maybe that is their instructions. Don't answer specific questions so you can't be held accountable for an incorrect answer.
This experience has caused me to really think what it would be like to have the government actually run our health care system. Think it's bad now? With the dunderheads I have dealt with in the USPS we will all have to live, or probably die with these type of fools. God help this country because the US Gov won't.
These are my emails and the responses in order of first to last. I have x'd out the USPS employees name to maintain their privacy.
Email 1 to USPS (originally posted on the USPS website)
Customer (JOHN SANDY) - 11/27/2006 08:50 AMThe US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower right corner in the photo montage of a submarine that is supposed to be a US Navy submarine. It is NOT. After some research I have identified it as a South Korean (Republic of Korea) submarine. It is a Type 209/1200 that was designed in Germany. Can somebody at the USPS please tell me how this error occurred and what will be done to correct it?
Email 1 from USPS
Subject---------------------------------------------------------------The US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower right...
Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------Response (Xxx X.) - 11/27/2006 04:09 PM
Dear JOHN SANDY,Thank you for contacting us about the US Navy Submarine stamps from 2000. I understand that there is an error on the stamp. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.Almost all subjects chosen to appear on U.S. stamps and postal stationery are suggested by the public. Each year, Americans submit proposals to the Postal Service on literally thousands of different topics. Every stamp suggestion is considered, regardless of who makes it or how it is presented.The five U.S. Navy Submarines stamp designs depict different periods in submarine technology. The U.S. Navy Submarines stamps were illustrated by Jim Griffiths of Glenview, Ill. Carl Herrman of Carlsbad, Calif., was art director.If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing the United States Postal Service®.Regards,Xxx X.As our customer, your privacy is important to us. Please see our privacy policy at www.usps.com -[---001:001439:06650---]
Email 2 to USPS
Customer (JOHN SANDY) - 11/27/2006 05:10 PMXxx X, Thank you for the prompt response but I am NOT referring to stamps. The Postmark Gallery is a framed photo montage commemorating the US Navy. The ID numbers on the back of the frame are as follows:Bar Code: 00231 31075AIC:231Item#: 23131075Copyright 2005John Sandy
Email 2 from USPS
Subject---------------------------------------------------------------Re: The US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower r...Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------Response (Xxxxxxxx X) - 11/28/2006 06:11 PM
Dear JOHN SANDY,Thank you for contacting us about the US Navy photo montage. I understand you would like to submit information oh the Navy photo montage.Please refer all comments and questions to the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee via the link below:Title: Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC)URL: http://hdusps.esecurecare.net/cgi-bin/hdusps.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1414&p_created=1052967108If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing the United States Postal Service®.Regards,Xxxxxxxx X
As our customer, your privacy is important to us. Please see our privacy policy at www.usps.com -[---001:001099:34414---]
Email 3 to USPS
Customer (JOHN SANDY) - 11/29/2006 06:41 AMXxxxxxxx, Thank you for your reply. Does the website you directed me to deal with all collectibles sold by the USPS or just stamps? The incorrect photo on the US Navy Framed Art item (Postmark Gallery) is not on a stamp. It is part of the nine photo montage. See the link below for a photo of the collectible. The incorrect submarine photo is in the lower right corner of the montage.Thanks,JSandy_American Stamp Collectibles_ http://www.americanstampcollectibles.com/product-detail.cfm?col=1&style=2&id=19
Email 3 from USPS
The US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower r...Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------Response (Xxxxxx X) - 11/29/2006 09:33 AM
Dear JOHN SANDY,Thank you for contacting us about the framed art.I apologize, we actually have nothing to do with the art produced by that website. We give them permission to use stamps and stamp images in their artwork. However, the collage you are referring to was created by ASC Inc.I did notice that there is a link on their website to contact them. I would suggest you contact them and let them know of the error.If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing the United States Postal Service®.Regards,Xxxxxx X
Email 4 to USPS
Customer (JOHN SANDY) - 11/29/2006 11:26 AMXxxxxx X, Thank you for your reply. I already contacted American Stamp Collectibles after visiting their website and seeing the US Navy Framed Art on it that they produce and the USPS sells. They have told me they are investigating the error and will get back to me. I still need to know if the USPS website (see link below) that Xxxxxxx X. referred me to in a previous email is the appropriate place to report this error so that the USPS can also correct this error? I went to the below linked website and it appears it is only for stamps, not collectibles such as the US Navy Framed Art (Postmark Gallery). Am I correct or incorrect in this assumption? Again, please understand this error is not on a stamp.Thanks,JSandy _Answer_ (https://hdusps.esecurecare.net/cgi-bin/hdusps.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1414&p_created=1052967108)
Email 4 from USPS
Subject---------------------------------------------------------------Re: The US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower r...Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------Response (Xxxxxx X) - 11/30/2006 09:25 AM
Dear JOHN SANDY,The art that you are referring to was not created by the United States Postal Service. Therefore, we have no part in the design.We have created framed art pieces, but this is not one of them. American Stamp Collectibles is the only company you need to take the issue to.If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing the United States Postal Service®.Regards,Xxxxxx X
As our customer, your privacy is important to us. Please see our privacy policy at www.usps.com -[---001:001944:58716---]
Email 5 to USPS
Customer (JOHN SANDY) - 11/30/2006 01:41 PMXxxxxx X., Thank you for your reply. I must respectfully disagree that, "American Stamp Collectibles is the only company you need to take the issue to." Someone or some group with the USPS had to have approved the licensing and sale of the US Navy Framed Art. Didn't someone at the USPS ask a simple question such as, "Are these authentic photos of US Navy activities, personnel and equipment?" I understand that a simple error has been made on the photo montage by someone. ASC Inc. has notified me that they are now aware of the error and will correct it. But what disappoints more is the response I have received from the USPS. Not one single question I have asked has been answered. If you don't believe it I can send all my emails and the USPS responses. My original question in the first email I sent to the USPS about this error was this; "Can somebody at the USPS please tell me how this error occurred and what will be done to correct it?" Would somebody please answer it? Here are a few more questions: 1. Will the USPS notify ASC Inc. about the error and tell them to fix it? I have, will you? 2. Will the USPS stop selling this item until it is fixed? If not, why? 3. Will the USPS offer a refund to those who have purchased it from the USPS? Again, if not, why? Please think about this. The USPS is selling a product that you now know is not what it claims to be. A photo of a South Korean Navy submarine designed in Germany that is supposed to be a US Navy submarine should be and is, fraud and deceit.JSandy
Email 5 from USPS
Subject---------------------------------------------------------------Re: The US Navy "Postmark Gallery" (custom framed) has a photo in the lower r...Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------Response (Xxxxxx X) - 12/01/2006 08:57 AM
Dear JOHN SANDY,I apologize for your frustrations with this. You will need to direct your questions to the Copyright and Licensing Department. They do not have an email address, so I am unable to forward your email. Please call them at 1-248-680-9150.If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for choosing the United States Postal Service®.Regards,Xxxxxx X
Email 6 to USPS (sent 3:44 est, 12/01/06)
Angela G.,
To be blunt, thanks for nothing. I do not, cannot, and never will understand why none of my questions about this issue have been answered by you or the other two USPS employees that have responded to me. It is nothing but stonewalling.
Now just imagine if good old Uncle Sam was managin our Health Care system....frightenin thought ain't it....
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