Saturday, February 03, 2007

LOOK OUT..old Cookie's on a rant today..What in hell's happened to our value's??

Well Sir....I began this day by visitin the blogs of all a my online blog-buddies...and the first thing I see is about that WaPo asshole named William Arkin slamming our fine troops fighting and dying over in Iraq and Afghanistan (See previous post).... I proceed on...I get to Signal 94 and read about a Harlem street thats gonna be named after a cop killer...

Well Sir....go HERE to read the story...and if ya really think this is a travesty...go HERE and sign a petition against it....

Now Dammit all to hell....I ain't talkin about the issue's of free speech here...I'm just wonderin where the hell have our basic values of right and wrong gone to.....

May God continue to Bless us...cause we sure as hell need it with these idiots around....

...AND...if'n ya wanna get even more pissed off...get on over to Michelle Malkin and read about how that lowly scumbag of a newsprint publication, the NY Times ran an article AND an on-line video of/about the death of an American GI....BEFORE THE FAMILY WAS NOTIFIED....

I saw the video of the Sgt's death...and its should not have been put on the Internet PERIOD...for any reason.....and's still up on the NYT website....Damn their hides....
