Wednesday, April 12, 2006

M'hats off to y'all "Fannie & Vera"...

Well Sir...ever now and agin someone comes along with a recipee better than m'own...not too often mind ya...but ever now and agin. A few posts back...Chuckwagon Etiquette...and Hoppin John... I published a recipee frum "Fannie & Vera's Camp Cookbook" fer sometin called "Hoppin John". Now ...fer those of ya that don't know what Hoppin John be...its a rice and black-eyed pea meal...and..dependin on how its can be great...well sir..Miss Fannie & Vera got a recipee I made yesterday and the only thing I can say is....IT'S GREAT!!

After me and the wife got done with dinner last evenin...I had t'go to my secret recipee stash...pull out my recipee fer Hoppin John and retire it..(circular file)...that's how good their recipee if'n y'all in a mood fer somethin that tastes real good goin down and sticks t'yur ribs once it gets there...try this recipee...OH..and a wurd a cuashun...if'n ya ain't carefull...yur tongue will be a hittin the roof a yur mouth so hard y'all just might slap yur brains out......Cookie....Oh...and remember...."NEVER TRUST A SKINNY COOK "