Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Some contemplatin bout the Hillbilly Hog Roast.....

Well Sir....seems like Mr. Lemuel Calhoon, originator and founder of the "Hillbilly Ecosystem" has spit forth the idear of a Hillbilly Hog Roast...with the implementashun of the Offishal Hillbilly Ecosystem song, movie, beer and the likes.

Now Sir...just so's y'all be gettin ackwainted with just where I live and my good naybor Bubba-Bob and his kin folk....I took the liberty of postin some a his family photo's.....

..... that good lookin feller on the left is his brother-father-cousin-uncle.... Bubba-Darryl

...and the couple gettin maried is his sister-cousin-aunt Queeny-May a gettin married to his other brother-father-cousin-uncle.... Darryl-Bob. I'm sure y'all can see the family resemblance tween em all...... down t'business. For the Offishal Hillbilly song...I be thinkin it should be either "Dualin Banjo's" or "The Orange Blossom Special"....or Foggy Mountain Breakdown.

Now sir... fer the Movie....I gotta be a sayin either "Deliverence" or "The Beverly Hillbillies".....

...and a catagory not mentioned...TV...I'm a sayin..."Hee Haw".....

Now fer as beer...I never was much of a beer drinker...drank mostly the hard stuff.....and I don't drink now....but I did once...alot. Then I found out I was allergic t'alcohol...yupper allergic to alcohol. Ever time I drank it I done broke out in spots...spots like Chicago, Las Vegas, get the picture. So...I'll be a passin on the beer but I definatley gotta nominate good old fashioned MOONSHINE fer the Offishal Booze....

Food...ah catagory. Now...havin cooked fer many a redneck folks throughout m'life...I gotta be sayin Biscuits and Pork Sausage Gravy fer breakfast, Moonshine fer lunch and Biscuits and Pork Sausage Gravy fer dinner (although any Pork product will do)....

Offishal Family vehicle.....any Ford pick-up truck frum 1947 t'date.....

Fer shotgun...I gotta be sayin the Ithaca Double Barrel 12 Gauge ..... Rifle...the Winchester 30-30 .......and pistol, the Ruger Redhawk .44 .......

Now...fer anuther catagory that wasn't mentioned...The Offishal Hybrid-Motorcyle y'all gotta go to this here site...and make sure that ya got yur sound on so's ya can hear this sweet soundin engine...... .

Well Sir.....I guess that just bout covers everthin...everbody take care and may G-D Bless.....Cookie......