Saturday, July 07, 2007

The great "Global Warming Swindle"....Part 1

Well Sir....there are folks all over this here wurld who just love to be a part of something big....something that makes them feel know...warm and fuzzy all over they have some value....hence...the Global Warming mania..., "Live Earth", ...etc., etc., etc....

Now Sir...I must admit that a few years or so ago, not having access to ALL the information regarding this topic, I too was alarmed...and even scared...and immediately bought into this load of high grade Bullshit until my buddy Sig over at Signal 94 asked me to just take some time and take a good hard look at the entire picture, and ALL the emperical and scientific evidence.....and then make my which I took him up on his offer....

...and ya know most things in this all boils down to jobs, money and some world economics.....not to mention that Al Gore himself is padding his retirement by helping to sell "Carbon Off-Sets".....what a scam.....

I first saw this video over at Hillbilly White Trash....and although I was just gonna refer y'all over there...I decided that since this is an important topic to me, and I'm quite vocal bout it, that I would post all these several videos it with an open mind and maybe...just maybe...y'all might learn sumthin...and remember...

....Bullshit comes frum cattle, and if'n y'all just wanna blindly foller the herd with the rest of the cattle...then don't go any further......

Part 1.....