Thursday Tid-Bits...
Well buddy the Chief frum over at Smolderin Embers in a Mohawk Campfire sent me this here cartoon as he knows how I tends t'feel bout Democrats....
**CLICK TO ENLARGE if'n yur eyesights failin ya....**
Well Sir...I been awaitin fer this cause I new it would eventually happen....
Just for the fun of it..."Google" Barack Obama and "The Antichrist" and see what happens. I had to laugh at the number of websites out there dedicated to the fact that "Obama" is the Anti-Christ.
Now lets see...can you name any important or noteworthy world figure who, at some time or anuther throughout history...HASN'T been named the Antichrist...?
Now y'all know, I'm definitely NO fan of Obama-lama-ding-dong, but ..."The Anti-Christ"?...
Well...I guess this one is up to y'all to make yur own decisions on....
Well be a movie the Cookie definitely plans to see... Ben Stein's "Expelled". Take about 7 minutes of yur time and watch this trailer...
...that is if'n ya believe in a "Higher Power". I think some of y'all will find this very interestin. It's coming this Spring.....
OR...maybe Gene McDaniels had the answer back in 1961....
...and then there's the big shootout we had here in my hometown, Bridgeport, NY a century or so ago....
We actually did have a real bad-ass gang in the mid to late 1800's called "the Loomis Gang" (Google them) who scared the B'Jesus outta everyone, stealin horses, robbing folks and banks, and yes...even trains....
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