Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sunday... "Making a Difference", some Harsh Laws, and a project UPDATE.

Well Sir, I gotta tell Y'all that nowadays, I don't have that much respect for teachers and school administrators anymore, and I come from a "teaching family" in which several direct family members have been teachers throughout their lives, good teachers.

With what I observe and hear about today's teachers in our school systems, and their administrators who, to me, seem to lack basic common sense and other attributes, I'm somewhat "soured" on the entire educational system in this country.

However, this is not the point of this post, the point is that here is a teacher who deserves to be honored, respected and recognized for exceptionally fine work. This video takes about 6 minutes, but its well worth it....Thanks Susan fer sendin this to the Cookie....

May God Bless ya lady....

Well Sir...I know its Sunday and all, and I should follow some decorum, but every now and agin I gotta post sumthin frum "That Guy From Boston", who can be really crude and boorish in the way he says things, but his points are usually legitimate....

Photobucket WARNING: Very Strong Language

A Big Old Cookshack THANKS to "Fish" frum down Kentucky way fer sendin me that....

Well Maam, I know when I wurked in restaurants, the policy was, if'n you broke it, it came outta yur paycheck. Looks like this young lady will be wurkin fer nuthing fer a week or two.....


UPDATE: Just a brief update to bring everyone up to speed regarding the Gregory J Harris Military Courtesy Room at the Syracuse International Airport....

Well Sir, as I've often stated before, and undoubtedly will again, I truly dislike just about all bureaucracies, politicians and lawyers. As most of you know, the Mayor of the City of Syracuse, Matt Driscol, and the Commissioner of Aviation, Anthony Mancuso, were nice and generous enough to donate a room at the Syracuse International Airport for our project, and for this, we are extremely grateful, however, we all know what generally happens when a bureaucracy gets involved. Things slow to crawl. As the old saying goes, "the wheels of government move very slowly".

We (Loren Davies, Leroy Bowen, Mary Ann Reitano and myself) had intitially hoped to open the Military Courtesy Room on D-Day, the 6th of June. Obviously, that didn't happen in that we were waiting for the City of Syracuse Common Council to give their required stamp of approval to the project. Having been assured that this room is definately ours, we then set a "soft opening" date for around the 2nd of July to coincide with the 4th of July weekend. Well Sir, the 2nd has come and gone and we still do not have the keys to the room, nor the "Official" sanctification to begin moving supplies and equipment in. There also seems to be some difficulty in finding a common date convenient for the Mayor, Commissioner of Aviation, and every other politician that wants to attend the opening which will be well covered by the media.

Many of you good folks out there have responded so very generously and donated not only monitary contributions, but a very nice large refrigerator, commercial coffee maker, counters and badly needed supplies. However, without the keys to the room, we cannot get these articles into the room and begin setting it up. As you can see, the above sign/picture will greet the troops at the entrance of the room.

So there ya have it, lots of basically good news, but, we are presently in a bureaucratic holding pattern (sounds about right for an Airport dont'cha think?). At this writing, Saturday the 5th of July, we are hoping for an opening of around the
14th of July... and with luck... it'll also be this year. I'll be keeping Y'all posted.....
