Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Moonbats were oblivious........

Well Sir...I'd like t'be takin this chere opportunity to be welcomin a feller co-wurker/Retired Law Enforcement Officer to the "Blog-Wurld". The name a his brand new baby blog is "Signal94" , which in local Police parlance means "End of Shift". Yesteday, along with feller blogger...The Dread Pundit Bluto, we all had a great lunch where we a tawked over everthing frum wurld the ACLU (almost ruined m'lunch when that topic came up). Now, Signal94 knows how to wield a word-processor as good as he used to wield a baton (when the situashun called fer it) a little prodin and sweet tawk perswadin...we convinced him t'put his litterary talents t'good use...and by golly...t'day he did. His furst post...."Ann Coulter at Syracuse University" is real interestin, informative, humorous and satiracal read that I'm sure y'all gonna enjoy very much. It seems that Signal94 couldn't get any good seats so he found himself up in the juvenile Moonbat section...they was oblivious to his Conservative presence....until he pounced...but why dontcha all read it fer yurselves. I really enjoyed the post....but...I guess that's just my way a thinkin.......Cookie