Sunday, March 05, 2006

God Dammit...we taxpayers been a payin the ACLU..

Well sir...I was reedin the Stop the ACLU and lurned that we good, hardwurkin taxpayers have been a payin the Legal Fees t'the ACLU that they be collectin from our Government every time they wins a lawsuit. Damned if that don't beat all!! Sumethin t'do with some legislashun that got passed years back...ain't shur bout that...but I was heartened to read that our Veterans and other good folks like yurselves have banned t'gether t'stop this c'here foolishness. Just be a gettin yurselves on over to Stop the ACLU and read all bout it...and while yur there, sign the on-line petishun t'stop this nonsense and stop wastin our tax dollars on that no good fer nuthin, pimple on the ass a society, organizshun. Now that Nedd feller also got a way fur ya t'link right t'yur Senators and Congressmen and be a tellin em just how ya feel...its so eezy my grandkids can do it....never did like them ACLU fellers...but..I guess thats just my way a thinkin....I'll be havin anuther one a m'great recipees fer ya t'morrow...meantime...y'all send me yur recipeees at , along with a little bio bout yurself so's I can give ya the credit fer yur recipee......Cookie....Oh..and by the way, if'n y'all wanna see sumthin reel funny bout "mens room" decor...get yurselves on over to the Small Town Veteran ....(scroll bout a third a the way down) y'all gonna get a real good kick outta the picture he's got posted.....s'long till t'morrow.....