Sunday, December 09, 2007

Where's Bob Hope..??

...Well Sir...fer all you old GI's, Sailors and out there who have ever been overseas for the Christmas Holidays, I'm sure Y'all recall how a great Bob Hope Christmas USO Show (or any USO Show fer that matter) really helped to cheer ya up and even helped ya ferget fer awhile where ya were, and what and who you were missing....

As of late, it has come to light, at least for this old Seabee that over the past couple of years, there have been exceptionally few USO tours in Afghanistan and Iraq for our brave Military personnel...

With the exception of the likes of Toby Keith, Gary Sinise and a very small scattering of others, our troops and their morale have been, by and large, mostly forgotten by the entertainment celebrities who seem to have only their own materialistic desires in mind...

Toby Keith recently appeared on FOX News, and during the interview, stated that on several occasions he has asked other big celebrities to make the trip to Afghanistan or Iraq with him, and they have out and out refused. He was way too kind when asked who they were, and skirted the issue....something I would have dearly liked to know.

I don't know about the rest of you out there, but this just piss's me off!!

To those selfish, self-centered, self absorbed, ego-maniacal, candy-ass, sons a bitch's I say....

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...and maybe someday...I'll tell ya how I really feel....

But...fer right now, about the only thing I CAN do is NOT patronize your movies, or TV shows, products you endorse or songs you sing....

Aside frum writing posts like this one, that's about all one person really can I'm hoping a few other of you bloggers out there will pick up this ball and run with it as well....

...and BTW Bob...."Thanks for the Memories" and God Bless ya... (yes..I know he's gone)

If'n y'all would like to contact The USO with a nice letter and a request for them to try and get more shows over there to out troops...go here BE NICE please, they do good work... old Vietnam era Seabee and "Bubblehead"...

** In case y'all ain't noticed yet, I gets even more cantankerous when I'm sick..**